Panora Lions… A Poem
Panora Lions
Most people around don’t have a clue
Just what in the world that Lions do!
Other than cook ham & eggs & a few pancakes,
They have no idea what form our service takes.
To name all things done would cut quite a caper,
And there is not enough time nor nearly enough paper
To name all things we do would sure tax my verve,
But they all fall under our motto. “We Serve.”
The Lions will serve all others with impunity,
And always strive to improve the community.
We support many groups including Troop and Pack 153,
Kids eyes are screened to make sure they can perfectly see.
The screening is done at 6 months to age four
With further checking done if found some need more.
This KidSight Project is in no way fortuitous,
You can get proof of this from Lion Kass Duis.
Lion Duis has been the leader and has done it just right;
He and others help save many youngsters’ eyesight.
If you want to feel great about many things you do,
Your local Lions Club is waiting to welcome you.
–Lion Jason Beck, Panora